Joining the Consortium

The Security Transparency Consortium welcomes membership from those who agree with our objectives and activities.
We consider the efforts to reduce supply chain security risks gained by the Consortium as an asset and will share them with our members.

Conditions for joining the Consortium
1. To be able to agree with the objectives and activities of the Consortium.
2. To be able to participate in the consortium’s working group activities after joining the consortium.
3. To be approved as a member by the Consortium Steering Committee (see Article 5 “Membership examination” of the Membership Regulations).
4. To be able to accept the rules and regulations set forth by the Consortium.

Types of membership
・Corporate members: Members of corporations, companies and organizations that agree with the objectives of the Consortium (collectively referred to as “corporate members”).
・Individual members: Members such as experts who are recognized by the Consortium’s Steering Committee as contributing to the Consortium’s activities.

Membership fees, etc.
No admission fee or annual membership fee is charged.
However, members are responsible for their own expenses (transportation, etc.) incurred when participating in general meetings and working group activities.

How to join
Please fill out the attached application form and send it to the Security Transparency Consortium Secretariat by e-mail.

加入申込書Eng (1273 downloads )


For corporations and individuals considering joining the consortium, please refer in particular to the consortium regulations and membership regulations before submitting your application for membership (there are clauses regarding membership).

コンソ―シアム規程Eng (819 downloads )
会員規程Eng (806 downloads )
総会規程Eng (792 downloads )
運営委員会運営規程Eng (807 downloads )
ワーキンググループ運営規程Eng (791 downloads )
事務局運営規程Eng (788 downloads )
文書管理規程Eng (818 downloads )
会員の秘密情報に関する管理規程Eng (801 downloads )
FAQs Eng (777 downloads )

Corporate members (members of corporations, companies, and organizations)

  • ALAXALA Networks Corporation
  • NRI SecureTechnologies, Ltd.
  • Assured, Inc.
  • NTC Corporation
  • NTT DATA Group Corporation
  • FFRI Security, Inc.
  • ZYYX Inc.
  • LAC Co., Ltd.
  • Contrast Security, Inc.
  • Covalent Inc.
  • Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd.
  • Cisco Systems G.K.
  • Tokyo Electron Ltd.
  • NEC Corporation
  • Hitachi, Ltd.
  • Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc.
  • Mitsubishi Electric Corporation