Update Information

Update Information
Visualization Data Utilization Working Group 1st and 2nd meetings

Following the first meeting of the Working Group for Utilization of Visualized Data on November 21, the second meeting was held on December 5.A heated discussion was held on issues and future challenges for both the users and providers of visualization data.

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Update Information
New Participants

On December 13, Tokyo Electron Ltd. application to join the Consortium was approved and the company has decided to participate in the Consortium. We look forward to working with you in the future!

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Update Information
English support for homepage

On December 4, 2023, this website was made available in English.You can switch to English by clicking the “English” button at the top of the screen.

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Update Information
New Participants

On November 27, NRI SecureTechnologies, Ltd. application to join the Consortium was approved and the company has decided to participate in the Consortium. We look forward to working with you in the future!

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Update Information
The establishment of the Security Transparency Consortium was announced in the press.

Both NTT and NEC have issued press releases announcing the establishment of the Security Transparency Consortium.The press releases can be viewed on the websites of both companies. Link to NTT’s press release is here.Link to NEC’s press release is here.

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